Maranatha Kids

Maranatha Kids

A weekly program just for kids, featuring 4-5 minute stories about Maranatha’s mission. We also provide a discussion guide with each episode. Perfect for worship and discussion for your family, classroom, or church.

Maranatha Kids
  • The Importance of Service

    This week, meet a young man from Peru named Carlos Condori. When he was a boy, Carlos remembers arriving to church one Sabbath morning and being met by a large group of people who didn’t look Peruvian. He heard them speaking English, and he was wondering what they were doing there. The visitors t...

  • Water for Chilimbe

    This week, walk in the footsteps of the students at the Chilimbe Primary School in Zimbabwe. Each week, these kids have to leave their classrooms during the school day to make multiple trips to collect water. It’s a long walk, and a big interruption to their education. Your children will have the...

  • An Amazon Adventure

    This week, come with Maranatha’s One-Day Church crew into the Amazon jungle, where they must transport church materials by boat for hours. The Gospel is spreading easily here, but moving from place to place is difficult. Your kids will see what our crews endure to make it to some of the most remo...

  • Growing God's Family - This week, visit the third-smallest state in India, Tripura, which is located in the northeastern part of the country. Seventh-day Adventists in the neighboring state of Mizoram adopted Tripura as a mission field and eventually began to grow small groups of believers there. Bu...

  • Answer to Unspoken Prayer - This week, we consider the times when we don’t feel like praying. The La Ureña II Seventh-day Adventist congregation in the Dominican Republic has been there. They desperately needed a church building in their neighborhood so the members wouldn’t have to walk long distances ea...

  • Interrupted by Rain

    See why one school in India had to send its students home whenever it rained. - - Download Discussion Guide:

  • Bees Building Schools

    See how honey bees in California are helping to build classrooms in India. - - Download Discussion Guide:

  • The Forgotten Prayer

    This week, travel with us to the second-smallest country on the continent of Africa: São Tomé and Príncipe. Not many people have heard of this place. So when Maranatha announced we were going to São Tomé to build churches and a school, some people on the island didn't believe it. Like church memb...

  • The Education Effect

    Meet a man so impacted by the school from his childhood that it changed the direction of his life and continues to bless him today. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • A Church for Piedra Linda

    See how Maranatha built a church with the help of hundreds of supporters, despite not having enough money at the start. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Prayers for Water in Zimbabwe

    See how a community in Zimbabwe anxiously prays for clean water when none may be found. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Trusting God's Timing

    See how this congregation waited for God’s timing, even though it took longer than they would have liked. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Christmas With Maranatha

    See how volunteers on Maranatha’s Family Project experienced a different kind of Christmas in India. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Manuel's Backyard Church

    Watch how Maranatha helped in one congregation's impossible situation. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Crowded in Canastica II

    See how one congregation has been gathering each Sabbath, even when many of them can't see what is happening during church. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Doing Lina's Laundry

    The smallest act of service made a big impact on Lina's life. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Collecting Water with Romildo

    Make sure to download the Discussion Guide for this week's story about one boy’s daily struggle for clean water. Then, watch video of him in action here. - - Download Story and Discussion Guide -

  • The Heart of our Home

    Meet a woman who was so focused on being involved at church, she moved her entire family to be closer. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Stepping Out in Service

    Watch how a normal teenager from Texas took an extraordinary journey across the globe to serve God. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Mission in the Desert

    Meet two missionaries who left their comfortable life to serve in the desert of Brazil. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Television with a Mission

    See how our television crew produces episodes for our program, Maranatha Mission Stories. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Water for Pedro

    See how people in Brazil struggle to find clean water, and how Maranatha is helping. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • One Year For Missions

    See how Mary Johnson listened to God's calling that led her to a year-long mission adventure. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Answered Prayers in Anan

    See how a new road caused a big problem for one church, and what God already had in store for them.