Maranatha Kids

Maranatha Kids

A weekly program just for kids, featuring 4-5 minute stories about Maranatha’s mission. We also provide a discussion guide with each episode. Perfect for worship and discussion for your family, classroom, or church.

Maranatha Kids
  • Collecting Water from a Cacimba

    This week, we’re inviting you to read this story to your kids about one boy’s daily struggle for water. We hope it inspires them to consider their own water situation and how they can practice gratitude in their own life.


    José Dantas Souza is a typical Brazilian kid—in fact, he’s probab...

  • A Tight Ride to Church

    This week, you’ll meet the Marte family from the Dominican Republic. They didn’t live close enough to their church to walk there each Sabbath, so the family of nine had to ride in a van. It was so tight, eventually they grew tired of having to cram together all the way to church each week. So, th...

  • Rebuilding in Angola

    This week, we’ll meet one of Maranatha’s staff members, Eder Lucca. Eder is from Brazil where the language is Portuguese. So when Maranatha needed someone to lead our work in Angola, where they also speak Portuguese, we sent Eder. He had lived in this African nation before, during which a painful...

  • The Mud Church

    This week, travel with us to Kenya where we’ll see how one desperate congregation has maintained their church building with mud. Every year, the Miomponi Seventh-day Adventist Church members come together to apply a fresh coat of the mucky stuff on their sanctuary walls. Without the money to buy ...

  • Aileen's Answered Prayer

  • Church Taxi Service

    This week, travel with us to the South American country of Brazil, where you’ll meet Jose Lima Pinto. Jose loves his church family so much, he ended up selling his car and buying a van, so he could bring people to church who live far away or can’t walk well. But the problem is that the location J...

  • Carrying the Burden of Water

    This week, you’ll meet a woman named Brenda in Kenya. Every day, Brenda must walk five miles, each way, to fetch water for her family. For safety, she makes the walk with other neighbors. This journey includes carrying heavy water jugs up a very steep hill. It takes hours, and is exhausting.


  • Working Without Pay

    This week, come with us to the South American nation of Uruguay. Much of this country is not Christian and the Seventh-day Adventist Church here faces significant challenges in reaching people with the Gospel. However, one way the Church is making in-roads is through Adventist education. In this ...

  • Sharing from a Cow Shed

    This week, travel with us to the country of India, where we’ll meet a lay evangelist named Babloo. Babloo lives in an area dominated by another religion—in fact, Babloo didn’t grow up Christian himself. After becoming a Seventh-day Adventist, Babloo wanted to share the Gospel with everyone he saw...

  • Dedicated to Worship

    Discussion Guide below! This week, you’ll meet one of Maranatha’s workers, Luis Paste, on a construction site in Ecuador. Luis and other Maranatha in-country crew members help to prepare locations before the volunteers arrive. They complete tasks such as pouring concrete foundations and erecting ...

  • Leaving His New Church

    This week, meet a man named Daniel who lives in the African country of Côte d’Ivoire. Daniel used to worship in a nice church, but when he moved to the neighborhood of Abbebroukoi, he was astonished with how bad his new church looked and felt. The congregation worshipped under a simple patio with...

  • Turned Away From School

    Come with us to the country of Zambia, located on the continent of Africa. We’ll visit the Kabwe Adventist School, one of the most popular schools in the city of the same name. It’s so popular and the facilities are so small, there isn’t room to fit all of the students. The school has to turn chi...

  • Jane's New Mission

    This week, meet long time Maranatha volunteer, Jane Sines. Over the course of her life, Jane and her husband, Al, served as missionaries in many countries. As young adults, they served as full-time missionaries abroad. When their kids grew to be school aged, the family came back home to the Unite...

  • A Peach Farmer's Big Gift

    This week, travel with us to the South American country of Bolivia, where we’ll meet a peach farmer named Alberto Maida. He has been farming since he was a young man, and was blessed each year with a fruitful harvest. When he moved to the town of San Benito, he was disappointed with his local chu...

  • A Blessing in Serving

    This week, we’ll visit the African nation of Namibia and see the preschool situation at the Mavaluma Seventh-day Adventist Church. More than 100 kids, ages zero to six, come each day to the church for daycare and preschool, but it’s a cramped setting. The teachers use all of the space that is ava...

  • A Single Mother's Sacrifice

    This week, travel with us to northeast India where we’ll meet a single mother named Elis. Her Seventh-day Adventist faith became a dealbreaker for her husband, who eventually left the family. Elis would have to raise her kids by herself. Yet, she also had the support of her loving church family, ...

  • Worshipping Alone

    This week, come with us to Brazil where we’ll meet Francisco Gomes de Lima. Francisco was the first Seventh-day Adventist in the coastal tourist city of Canoa Quebrada. He started worshipping in his house by himself, but eventually, a donor gave land for a church to be built. Francisco’s small gr...

  • Growing Through Sadness

    This week, we travel to the country of Brazil where you’ll meet a lady named Marilene. She wasn’t very interested in learning about God, even though her mother always shared God’s love with her. Then, a tragedy struck, forcing Marilene to reconsider her purpose and faith. See how God used a sad e...

  • A Beginner Builder

    This week, we’ll meet a pastor in Tennessee, named Juan, who was asked to lead his congregation in the construction of a brand new church. The only problem—Juan had no experience in building a church! His congregation, the Ooltewah Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church, had been renting worship s...

  • A Prankster Turns to Prayer

    This week, we visit the Dominican Republic to meet a church leader named Domingo. As a kid, Domingo didn’t like Christians and would often pull pranks on them. Then, he was befriended by one of the local church members, and after a few months, came to a church service. Eventually Domingo was bapt...

  • An Alumnus' Desperate Prayer

    This week, travel with us to India where we’ll meet a man named Barnabas. As a young boy, Barnabas lived away from home at the Manipur Adventist Boarding School. It was hard for him, he had to live away from home, but his father wanted Barnabas to dedicate his life to God and knew he would grow c...

  • Inspiring a New Generation

    This week, we travel to the jungles of Panama, where a tribe of indigenous people called the Naso used to live, removed from the outside world. Eventually, the need for medicine and food forced them to make connections outside their villages, which also introduced them to Jesus.

    In today’s video...

  • Sheds of Hope

    This week, we go to the scorched town of Paradise, California, where the 2018 Camp Fire burned through 95% of the structures. When residents were allowed to return to their properties, they had to live out of RVs, with no place to store their belongings. Maranatha was invited to help by construct...

  • No More Stinky School

    This week, travel with us to India, where we’ll visit the Jingshai Mihngi Adventist School. For years, students and teachers here endured the stench of an open sewer line directly next to their classrooms. Maranatha responded to a request for help, and despite many challenges including the COVID-...