Transformations: Chris Guarin-Adap
Chris Guarin-Adap describes how Family Project can help her kids develop hearts for service.
Kajiado's Transformation
A haven in Kenya for girls escaping child marriage and female genital mutilation, the Kajiado Adventist School and Rescue Center was completely transformed by Maranatha volunteers, donors, and staff.
How Schools Transform the Future
Vice President of Marketing Julie Lee interviews Karen Godfrey, Maranatha's vice president of advancement, about working at the Kajiado Adventist School and Rescue Center.
Abundant Faith
Jackie Duffy describes her family's contentment on mission trip to Kenya and how they learned to trust God throughout the experience.
How to Stay Connected
Whether via email, television, or mail, learn how you can stay connected to the Maranatha world.
Transformations: Natalia Pons
Teenage volunteer Natalia Pons explains how Ultimate Workout changed her perspective on anxiety.
"No More Night"
Musical selection performed by Ryan Day at Maranatha's 2024 convention in Sacramento, California.