Maranatha Kids

Maranatha Kids

A weekly program just for kids, featuring 4-5 minute stories about Maranatha’s mission. We also provide a discussion guide with each episode. Perfect for worship and discussion for your family, classroom, or church.

Maranatha Kids
  • Healing in Chad

    Meet missionary doctors Olen and Danae Netteburg, and see how Maranatha helped to build a hospital in the country of Chad. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • A Miracle at Kajiado

    watch how God worked a miracle at the Kajiado Adventist School and Rescue Center.
    - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Anella's Mission Dreams

    Watch 12-year old Anella Poljak give her testimony for our annual convention several years ago. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • From Tragedy to Joy

    How one couple found God and their family. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • The Long Walk to Church

    Meet Eddie Himoonde, a pastor in Zambia that cares for 55 congregations. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • $10 Builds People

    The generosity of thousands of people put a church right where Helsy Luperon needed it. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Jeff's New Church

    Maranatha helps rebuild on the island of Dominica. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • A New School in Kiutine

    See how Maranatha transformed a high school campus. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Walk for Water

    Meet two young ladies who decided to act when they saw a need. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Luzia Learns to Read

    See what life is like for a woman who never had the chance to go to school as a child.
    - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • To the Ends of the Earth

    See how far volunteers go to bring new churches to members deep in the jungles of Costa Rica - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • A New Future for Maleton

    See how nine year old Maleton's life was completely changed. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Building Church Homes

    See how Maranatha crews construct a church in just one day. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Building Churches Together

    Learn how lots of people from different places around the world work together each month to create something big.
    - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • New Classrooms in Angola

    Discover some of the challenges faced by students in Angola. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Running to a Better Future

    Meet Aliza Tianina, a young woman who found freedom by running away from home. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • The Mission Field at School

    Learn how schools and kindness and inclusiveness share the love the Jesus. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Answered Prayers in Cardenas

    See how God answers prayers, even after 30 years. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Truckloads of Hope

    Meet some of the forgotten heros of Maranatha's work around the world. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • A Desk for Duarte

    See how a school in São Tomé brought hope to a special boy. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Trusting God in Peru

    Sara Luz never gave up hope that her church could be revived. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Missions for Families

    Maranatha Family Projects provide families experiences together that are shared for eternity. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Sharing God's Love in Kenya

    Meet Justina and see how Maranatha helped her share God's love in her community. - - Download Discussion Guide -

  • Bringing Light to Jingshai Mihngi

    See what school is like for kids in northeast India. - - Download Discussion Guide -