Mission: Maranatha 2023

Mission: Maranatha 2023

Watch the morning and afternoon sessions of our annual convention, Mission: Maranatha, live.

Mission: Maranatha 2023
  • "Let There Be Peace on Earth"

    Musical selection performed by Wintley Phipps at Maranatha's 2023 convention in Sacramento, California.

  • Maranatha Is: Love

    A Maranatha volunteer explains the love that defines Maranatha's mission.

  • A Rebranded Trip for Collegiates

    Collegiates build a church in Peru on Catalyst, Maranatha's mission trip for collegiates and young adults.

  • Everyone Can Serve

    Maranatha volunteer Sondra Godfrey explains how her trip to Kenya demonstrates that there's a place for everyone to serve.

  • Families on a Mission

    Maranatha's Family Project creates a special place for families of all sizes to serve together.

  • The Legacy of Service

    Longtime Maranatha volunteer Chris Duckett shares how his family was able to go on a Maranatha mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

  • How to Stay Conneced

    There are many easy ways to stay connected with the Maranatha mission.

  • His Holy Temple

    Maranatha President Don Noble thanks all those who made Convention possible, discusses the significant impact of Maranatha's mission, and shares brief information on upcoming projects.

  • "Coming Again"

    Musical selection performed by Wintley Phipps at Maranatha's 2023 convention in Sacramento, California.